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@WarHorn, we specialize in PreK -12 EDUCATION offering consulting and support services in areas of training, compliance, administration and law.


Covering topics such as teaching methodologies, learning theories, classroom management, educational psychology, curriculum development, and the role of educators in shaping learning experiences.



Educational compliance principles are crucial for educational leaders, administrators, and staff to ensure that the institution operates ethically, legally, and in the best interest of its students, faculty, and the community. Compliance efforts are essential for maintaining trust, credibility, and accountability within educational organizations.


Foundational concepts and theories that guide the management and leadership within educational institutions. It encompasses the principles, theories, practices, and ethical considerations essential for effective administration and leadership in educational settings, such as schools, colleges, universities, or educational departments.


Exploring legal frameworks, policies, and ethical considerations relevant to education administration, such as student rights, teacher contracts, equity, and diversity.

@WarHorn, we believe the PreK -12 education system aims to provide a well-rounded education, focusing on academic learning, social development, and preparing students for higher education or various career pathways. Our focus is to support administrators, academics, counselors and educational systems to enhance foundations within academics, athletics, special activities, and community engagement

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